

FACT: I missed a deadline on Friday. In scheme of things not a big deal, but I was mad at myself for it (just 100% FORGOT). I don’t do excuses. There might be a reason for things, but I don’t pretend that makes it all ok because I say so. noooo. Anyways. That’s done. It’s turned in, and I do love how it turned out. Will share when it’s posted!

FACT: I strongly believe that drinking enough water + getting enough sleep can solve a lot of problems. When I’m hydrated and well rested EVERYTHING is better. Gotta take care of YOU.

FACT: I love Monday. It’s my favorite day of the week. Fresh start, new possibilities.

FACT: I’d describe my weekend as either a hot mess, or as a runaway train to crazy town. Both kids? SICK. Day after strep meds were done, E got sick. Now R too. UGH.

FACT: I am still the only able bodied adult in this house. being the only person out of 4 who can do dishes, open jars, and so much more? I’m so over it.

FACT: Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series has me TOTALLY in a trance. Is romance novel heaven. More about this soon.

FACT: My love of happy fiction (always to be found in section labeled ‘romance’) is something I’m not ashamed of anymore. Once upon a time I used to pretend to like the sad/drama/depressing stuff. No longer!

FACT: I am jealous of all my crafty pals preparing for CHA at the end of the week. Insert pouty face here.

FACT: I have cut more of my TV shows, I’m down to 3 total. Modern Family, 30 Rock, and my shameful secret: Jersey Shore

FACT: I just turned in the first 1/3 of my spring (May 1, 2011) BPC on-line class. It’s gonna be BIG FUN.

FACT: I’ve been eating TOO MUCH, and I have chosen to do so. Hey – I need brain power. True, chocolate isn’t an actual food group… but as I demolish the Christmas season stash I have been running on full, energized, and to date have made 32 projects so far in January – not to mention the writing and other work stuff… all while managing the house… so I’m just going to let it go. I’m not mad at myself. I just didn’t take the time or energy to focus on eating right the last few weeks.

FACT: The chocoholic festival stops tonight. Tomorrow morning? It’s done. Vacation is over.

FACT: I have a lot to do still tonight.

FACT: I had fun brain dumping all these random facts from my life at this moment.

17 responses »

  1. loved reading all your random facts! Hope you get everything done. I need to stop eating that chocolate too. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store over at BPC.

  2. I had the same reaction as Sharon – love your honesty with yourself. Just had a mini-epiphany for myself. My one little word for the year is “release”. One thing I hadn’t thought of before is releasing self-deception…something to ponder. Thanks for the inspiration!!!! Hope everyone recovers quickly.

  3. I’m sorry to hear that the girls are sick again! Having sick little ones is no fun and I can only imagine how frustrating it is being the only one able to do things around the house. Hang in there I’m sure everyone will be on the mend soon.

    I am right there with you on the not eating well front, I’ve indulged in too many Christmas goodies from my stash and just not eaten well over all. So not helping me with my goal of losing these last 20 lbs. This week healthy eating is back on I will be in control of my food consumption!!

    Sounds like you’ve been rocking the layouts for your assignments and upcoming classes great job!! It’s mostly been little projects going on around here no real scrapbooking to speak of I need to remedy that.

    Hope your week is off to a great start!

  4. Great catch-up! I love your comment about romance novels. It applies to movies in my life. I don’t need stress, I don’t need the white knuckles, I don’t need to think and discuss it until the end of time. I want entertainment and I want happy!

  5. I can totally relate to totally forgetting something important. And I do wonder about myself sometimes. But at least I can always blame it on the kids….and after they leave…well, hmmmm…I’ll just blame it on my husband!

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I ordered my daughter Zoe Archer’s books for Christmas based on your blog, and she loved them! She’s a romance girl too, and I’ve never thought there was anything wrong with reading happy stories. I’m hoping she will now pass the books along to me to read 🙂

    Thanks for a great recommend!!

  7. I really LOVE your “facts”, brought smiles. Fact: I do not smile enough. I need the smiles so thank you for your blog. I am sorry the kids are still sick. I do so very well remember those years. At least you are still healthy (knock on wood). Looking forward to what else you have in store at BPC. I am curious as to how you manage to accomplish so much. I know you are much younger than I, thus more energy, but still you have figured out something that I have not. My big question would be how do you decide which blogs to read? I think that is my big problem. There are many wonderful scrap-booking blogs alone. I’ll start with one blog which will reference another, and then there I go. I am reading about scrapping for 2 or more hours with no time left to be creative myself. I am just not certain how to weed out what I could live without.
    Hope everyone is healthy and happy soon.

  8. So sorry to read about the girls! I hope you stay healthy. Even if you are not at CHA all your work will be which is most important! I am dying to see what you created. I hope things get better soon!

  9. I’m sorry you missed a deadline – I hate that too. I know you don’t like excuses but you do have a lot going on in your life right now with Jason’s recovery and 2 sick kids. Can’t wait to see what your next class will bring! And can’t wait till this Thursday for Creative Retreat!!!

  10. Fact: You made my day with this post. I have those kinds of days also. Glad you can get it off your chest. We’re here to lend a ear.

    • Of course you can!! Just decide: I’m gonna do it.

      Make a plan.

      make that plan allow extra time/to be done early so when things go wrong/get in the way you still can do it.

      Stick to it!!


      But mostly, have fun!!!

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